Wall murals are a fantastic way to celebrate your love of movies, film and cinema. Both are visual mediums and complement each other well.
You can be extremely creative too, bringing in images from the full cinema experience, using stills from your favourite films (copyright allowing, of course) or more abstract imagery that shows off your passion.
We’ve put together no less than 15 examples to show you what can be done and, hopefully, to inspire you to create your own film-centric mural for your home or office.
It should be noted that many of these images aren’t available in our library and you won’t find genuine stills from movies and that sort of thing in there either due to copyright laws. They are purely examples to show you what can be achieved.
You can, however, source these yourself and upload them to our Wallbuilder as long as you have permission to use them and as long as they are of sufficient quality for us to create a mural for you.
So without further ado, curtain UP! And speaking of curtains…
What’s the primary source of sustenance when you’re at the movies? Popcorn, of course! Which actually makes for a great mural for kitchens. Don’t believe us? Look!
Who are your favourite actors? Would you like their image emblazoned across a wall in your home or office? You can do it!
TOP TIP: The images for all these murals featuring actors are available on Pixabay.com for free, along with many more. Just create an account, download the largest available image and upload it to our Wallbuilder.
Finally, you can be a little more abstract and retain the movie theme with your wall murals with something like these.
Which style would you go for? Browse our film and cinema related images now or upload your own and create a movie-themed mural for your home.
Stay wonderful!