If you’re a bloke and you’re lucky enough to have a man cave in your home then these are the wallpaper murals for you, dude.
We’ve covered man caves before here on the Wallblog but things have moved on since then. We’ve grown our library of of available images, we’ve got even better at producing high quality murals and we’ve refined our tastes somewhat.
All of which means it’s a subject well worth revisiting.
Where’s YOUR man cave?
Man caves are no longer restricted to the box room, shed or garage (though many still are, for obvious reasons!). Nowadays the man cave often doubles as the family room for entertainment purposes like film, TV and gaming. Sometimes it’s the kitchen, where the man of the house can escape to for some peace and quiet once the kids are in bed and the better half is settled down in front of the soaps. It could be a home gym. Or maybe you’re still single and rocking a bachelor pad that is your own personal man cave.
Really though, when it comes to the décor it doesn’t matter where it is – a feature wall works in any of these places.
What does a man who requires a man cave like then? Sports? Cars? Film? Music? Working out? Travel? Or maybe it’s something a little less strenuous…like reading? Any and all of these can be perfectly demonstrated with a suitable wall mural.
Just a few ideas to mull over for your man cave (or family room!). Just indulge your passion when you decorate, that’s our advice.