Providing your child with a fun place to play and work is important for their development and it’s often the bedroom that is the designated play/work area. A colourful wall mural showing whatever it is they love is a fantastic way to brighten up the bedroom and introduce that fun.
They key to choosing the right wall mural for your child’s bedroom is to focus on what they like. This will depend on the age of the child to a certain extent and also whether they’re a boy or a girl (though that doesn’t mean your daughter won’t be into toy soldiers and robots – could well be!).
Once you’ve picked a particular interest of your child you can begin your search. Here at Wallbeard we thought we’d help you out with a little inspiration, picking on subjects your child might be interested in.
Take a look at these to give you an idea of what can be achieved with the right image.
What do your kids love? And would that make for a stunning mural in your home? Hopefully we’ve inspired you to give it a little thought…