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We have a range of wall murals for you to browse. You can choose the perfect wall mural feature, by browsing through the gallery. We have categories that include landscape photo wallpapers, floral photo wallpapers and many more.
The wall murals are custom made to measure, our size and material selection feature allows you to be in charge. Wall murals are easy to install with full instructions attached. Select mural, choose size and material. Simply review your order and checkout.

Upload your own photo
You can transform your wall to reflect your taste and personality by using your own image whether it’s a photo you have taken or simply an image that you would like to use, we recommend you check copyrights for images used.
We have a simple process to upload your image, this enables you to turn your favourite image into a wallpaper mural in 3 easy steps, or alternatively send us the image and your requirements and one of our experts can check the image for resolution and quality requirements. If you have questions regarding the quality of your image, please do not hesitate in contacting us.