Customise your photo wall mural

Use the Wallbuilder tools to create your unique photo wallpaper. Click the question mark if you need help.

Previews are for demonstrative purposes only. They are not to scale.

We are showing you a medium quality image from our gallery. The final image will be of the highest quality and any visible watermarks on photos not uploaded by you will be removed when we print your wallpaper.

upload another image
(PNG, JPG or TIFF only)
Photo Quality Recommendations
  • Accepted File Types: JPG, PNG or TIFF
  • A minimum of 72 DPI. Higher preferred.
  • A minimum of 6 megapixels.
    To work out the number of megapixels, multiply the pixel height and width of your image.
    EG: 4000px x 2000px = 8 megapixels.
poor quality
good quality
excellent quality

Excellent quality!
Your image is of a high enough quality and should reproduce very well up to 6m x 4m to create your photo wall mural.

Customise & Buy
Great news! Your image is perfect for a wall mural. Click “Customise your mural” to select the size and materials you require and check the price.

Good quality!
your image is of good quality and should reproduce well up to 3.8m × 2.2m.

Customise & Buy
Great news! Your image is perfect for a wall mural. Click “Customise your mural” to select the size and materials you require and check the price.

Poor quality!
Unfortunately your image is not of a high enough quality for us to reproduce at a size large enough to create a photo wall mural. Please upload another image or contact us if you need help.


Tell us the dimensions of your wall. Don’t worry, we’ll automatically add 5cm to the width and height for trimming. If you feel you may need more, factor that in to your own dimensions. All our photo wall murals are made to measure.

£ 0.00 inc. VAT

Unfortunately your order doesn't meet the minimum required sizing.